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Statement on Orlando

James Madison College is deeply saddened by the tragic shooting in Orlando early Sunday. We send our deepest sympathy to the victims, many of whom were folks of Color and members of the LGBTQ community, and to their loved ones.

As a residential college on the campus of Michigan State University, Madison strives to encourage a close knit community and continues to stand for inclusion, compassion, and respect. In this moment of tragedy, we encourage our students, faculty, and staff to care for themselves and for one another. Although most of the community is away for the summer months, we want to ensure all are aware of campus resources available to assist in self-care during this tragedy. Members of the community should feel free to reach out to the following offices as needed:

Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender Resource Center
302 Student Services Building
(517) 353-9520

Counseling Center
207 Student Services Building
(517) 355-8270

Olin Health Center
Located on East Circle Drive between Berkey Hall and the Grand River parking ramp.
(517) 884-OLIN (6546)

If you are on or around campus and feel particularly concerned about your safety, contact the MSU Police Department:

1120 Red Cedar Rd.
(517) 355-2221
(In case of emergency, call 911)

Please feel free to contact Professor Robert Bathwaite or Beatriz Navarro-Garcia.